How to return an item?

Modified on Thu, 30 Mar, 2023 at 6:14 PM

If you need to return an item, the seller you purchased your order from is the best person to help you. Each seller on Prestigier manages their own orders and makes decisions about cancellations, refunds, and returns. 

To check the return policy of the seller for the item you wish to return, navigate to your orders page and select 'Order Details' for that particular item.

How do refunds and returns work on Prestigier?

Sellers aren’t required to accept returns, exchanges, or provide a refund unless stated on the listing page of the item you purchased or in their shop policies. Go to the listing's page and scroll to the "Shipping & Returns" section to see the seller's policies.

If the seller is willing to accept this return, be sure to settle on the details in a message before returning the item.

The seller wasn’t able to help me

If the seller isn’t able to help you, your next step is to request help from Prestigier by opening a case. With Prestigier's Purchase Protection program for qualifying orders, you could receive a full refund if your order never arrives, arrives damaged, or isn’t as described. 

To get help from Prestigier, please open a case by clicking on the chat icon at the bottom right-hand corner of your screen. 

What are shop policies?

Each seller on Prestigier is responsible for their own policies regarding refunds, exchanges, and returns. Policies vary from shop to shop.

Before making a purchase, you should review the shop’s "Shipping & Returns" policy. You can find the shop’s policies on the listing page under "Shipping & Returns", or by going to the seller's page. 

The seller's return policies may include a restocking fee, which is a percentage of the item cost that will not be refunded if the item is returned. The original shipping cost will also not be refunded. In addition, the return shipping cost will be deducted from the refunded amount.

For international and select domestic item returns, there may be additional customs, duties, and taxes applied to the return, which the customer is responsible for paying. Any costs associated with the return will be subtracted from the refund.

Residents of the EU/UK have the right to return a product within 14 days of delivery, regardless of the seller's policy, as mandated by the 2011 EU Directive, provided that the order meets the eligibility requirements.

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