How to cancel an order?

Modified on Mon, 26 Sep, 2022 at 9:26 AM

If you have changed your mind and want to cancel your order you should contact the seller as soon as possible. You can find the contact details in your order confirmation email, or via your order history. Prestigier will be notified of your cancellation request and will be on hand to mediate any disputes.

Each seller on Prestigier manages their own orders and makes decisions about cancellations, refunds, and returns.

Once shipping has been initiated:

The cancellation will be considered a return (if returnable), and you will be responsible for packaging and shipping the returned item, including both the outbound shipping costs and the costs to return the order to the seller.

For store pickup:

You or your agent must reject the item at the time of pickup or delivery from the seller. Do not take the item with you or accept the in-person delivery.

The seller wasn’t able to help me

If the seller is unable to help you, your next step is to open a case about your order. Contact us using the chat function at the bottom right-hand corner of your screen for assistance. 

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