How to get help with an order?

Modified on Mon, 26 Sep, 2022 at 9:29 AM

If you need help with an order, the seller you purchased your order from is the best person to help you. Sellers can help if you need to: 

  1. Check your order status
  2. Update your delivery address
  3. Make a change to your order
  4. Request a refund, return, or exchange
  5. Request a cancellation

Getting help with an order before the estimated delivery date;

If you need help with your order, the first step is to the seller a message about the order (90% of orders issues are solved by sellers) 

Getting help with an order after the estimated delivery date;

If you still need help after you messaged the seller, open a case using chat by clicking on the chat icon on the bottom right-hand corner of your screen. 

The seller can usually answer any questions you have about your order. If the seller is unable to help you, you’ll need to open a case with Prestigier in order to get further assistance. With Prestigier's Buyer Protection program for qualifying orders, you’ll receive a full refund for your item if it doesn’t arrive, arrives damaged, or isn’t as described.

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